Welcome, and let me introduce myself to those who haven’t been here before.

I’m thrilled to connect with you and share the incredible healing journey of the past few years. It’s been so impactful for me, that I’m restructuring my coaching business to guide others towards a path of emotional transformation and wholeness. It IS possible! 

I’ve been a therapist for nearly three decades, but it’s been the power of my personal experiences that has shaped my unique approach to healing. Growing up in an alcoholic family system, experiencing trauma events, divorcing, and deconstructing 37 years in a religious cult taught me the importance of addressing all aspects of ourselves—body, mind, heart, and soul—for true healing to take place. 

Many healing modalities only address part of who we are, and the risk with this is that we are left feeling disconnected. 

My coaching method, The Kairos Transformation Method, is a powerful and comprehensive process designed to integrate healing in all areas of your life. It’s not just about addressing one element; it’s about nurturing your whole self and finding acceptance and healing in every part of who you are.

You might be wondering why I embarked on this journey despite my extensive background as a therapist. Well, I found that traditional therapy approaches often focused on one aspect of my suffering at a time, leaving me feeling incomplete. It wasn’t until I embraced a holistic approach, integrating body-based practices and whole-self healing, that I experienced profound shifts in my own recovery.

The events of the past few years, especially the isolation brought on by the pandemic, triggered familiar feelings of isolation, unsafety, and pressure. But this time, I approached my healing differently. I delved into embodied practices like yoga, somatic experiencing, and group therapy with fellow women on their healing journeys. It was like discovering magic sauce—the missing ingredient that propelled my healing to new heights.

I realized that calming the body was the key to calming the mind. Our emotions, memories, and even traumas are stored within us in a physical sense. By learning to attune to our bodies, listen to their feedback, and nurture our nervous systems, we create a solid foundation for healing and growth.

I’ve carefully crafted an integrative and holistic approach that combines various tools and skills to make healing accessible, sustainable, and empowering.

If you’re feeling like you’ve done a lot of therapy, like I’ve done but still have unhealed triggers or wounds resurfacing, I’m here for you. Or maybe, you’re just interested in learning more about holistic & integrative skills to have more balance and harmony in your life. Click here for more info on my coaching services. 

Either way, let’s chat, whether it’s through a phone call, DM, or email. Together, we can explore your unique healing journey and create a plan to nurture your whole self.

In health and wholeness,


P.S. You can also learn more about my content & services if you follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok @shannanblummft.